Presenter: Frank O'Rourke
Wagga-born-and-raised local historian Frank O’Rourke will present two parallel stories, each with fascinating Wagga connections – the presentation titled ‘Good Son – Bad Son’. Both stories coincidentally involve the Wagga-raised sons of two main event middleweight boxers. The ‘Good Son’ graduated in Law and ended up as the visiting District Court Judge in Wagga. The artistically talented ‘Bad Son’ became one of Wagga’s most infamous former citizens, spending nearly 50 years of his life in gaol. Frank will outline amazing coincidences relating to each story – and some remarkable connections he discovered to his own family, as well as to three famous murder cases of the 1930s. One of these murder cases occurred in Wagga, with the investigation being sensationally reported world-wide and launched the outstanding career of a Wagga-based detective. Frank has previously delivered this presentation to a Canberra audience – it being appreciated for extensive research, with many interesting twists and turns.
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